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How to design when wholesale jewelry pouches?

  • 1501
  • Jimmy at
  • May 27, 2019

If you need wholesale jewelry pouches, sometimes you will design bags in line with your own jewelry style considering the brand and customers' preferences.So what kind of jewelry bag design would be a cool idea?


1. The design of wholesale jewelry pouches can start with creativity. The appearance of jewelry and jewelry bags cannot be ignored.


How to design when wholesale jewelry pouches


2. Practicability of functions.The design of wholesale jewelry pouches should consider whether the bag for storing jewelry after purchase is practical and convenient for daily life storage and removal.


3. Presentation of workmanship and details.The requirement to detail is indispensable, although the exterior is again good-looking, again practical, if detail is not done, quality does not come, also can give consumer very big negative effect.


With those three things in place, you don't have to worry about dissatisfied design at wholesale jewelry pouches.




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