Velvet drawstring bags is a new generation of environmentally friendly materials, with moisture-proof, breathable, flexible, light weight, non-combustion, easy to decompose, non-toxic and non-irritating, colorful, low-cost, can be recycled and so on. The material of velvet drawstring bags can be naturally decomposed for 200 days outdoors, placed in an indoor service life of up to 5 years, non-toxic, odorless, and free from any leftover substances when burned, so that it does not pollute the environment and is internationally recognized as the protection of the earth's ecology. Environmentally friendly products.
With the growing awareness of environmental protection, the production of environmental protection materials such as velvet drawstring bags has become a packaging product that many advanced developed countries have accepted and promoted. In order to adapt to the increasing importance of environmental protection in developed countries such as Europe and the United States, we adopt new environmental protection materials and use inks that are environmentally friendly soy inks. The entire workshop is a dustless cleaning workshop. Our products are brightly printed, non-toxic and environmentally friendly, and meet the export standards of Europe and the United States. Variety, bag body pattern cartoons, flowers, figures, corporate advertising language.